Inspect competitors and bid solicitors - VIP3 Package features & price

This software package will help analyze the relationship between the solicitor and the contractor, also within the contractors in order to find if there is any "close" relationship (the potential risk of "bid rigging" in the bidding or cheating).

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Software name: VIP3 - Inspect competitors and solicitors.
Cost: 15,000,000 VND/year

Use for:
- Bidders who need the information to analyze the relationship of their competitors with the solicitor and also within contractors.
- The procuring entity needs to check the contractor's information.
- Government agencies want to check the information of the procuring entity and monitor compliance with regulations on posting procuring information under the bidding law.

Link to register and pay online:

See also: Service commitment of

Introducing the VIP3 package features

Video detailing features of VIP3 package
With completed features, contractors and investors easily have the necessary information to inspect competitors and bid solicitors. Using software that automatically extracts published data to analyze past data to know which contractors are "in the relationship" with which investors or which contractors often "work with" which contractors... Thereby, viewers can predict which contractors tend to become contractors in a project of a certain investor.

1. Analysis of the relationship between the contractors and the solicitors

1.1. What tender do contractors participate in?

By displaying a list of tenders that the contractor has participated in below the contractor information page, the software shows a list of all the bidding packages that the contractor has participated in based on published data for 10 years as well as detailed information on each package.

VIP3 - Analysis of the red army.

This feature helps the investor to check the contractor's capacity based on the tender packages that the contractor has participated in. In the photo above, the contractor Viet Hung G8 Trading and Technology Co., Ltd. has participated in 12 tender packages, of which 11 packages have been won, 1 package has been lost, 0 packages have not been awarded yet. The data sheet fully lists important information about the tender package with a link to compare detailed data before being gathered, including the notice of Tender Notice, bid solicitor information, and bid award ( if any).

1.2. See which contractors usually work with which solicitors (procuring entities)?

The software will analyze and display a list of procuring entities that have relationships with the contractor, allowing to answer questions such as: Which tender packages did the contractor participate in? The total number of tender packages participated by that solicitor? The win rate... - Analyze contractor relationship with bid solicitors

Photo taken above: Contractor Viet Hung G8 Technology and Trading Co., Ltd. has a relationship with 7 bid solicitors. The list of solicitors which this contractor usually join in bid with was listed at the top.

The software also allows you to look up the list of bidding packages that the contractor is viewing has participated in a specific bid solicitor and answer questions: Number of winning bids, and the number of lost bids. As a result, this feature helps contractors to check whether their competitors tend to win or fail the bids when participating in bidding packages at the same bid solicitor. - Analyze the relationship between the contractor and the bid solicitor


2. Analysis of the relationship between the bid solicitor and the contractors

This function helps to find the relationship between the bid solicitor and the contractors and see if the bid solicitor is in a relationship with the contractors.

The software will display a list of contractors related to the bid solicitor (at the bottom of the information page of the bid solicitor), helping to answer questions: List of contractors participating in bidding for the party's projects tenders are viewing? The total number of bidding packages that each contractor participates in, the number of winning packages, the number of lost bids... - Analyze the relationship of the bid solicitor with the contractors

This feature makes it possible for bidders to check which bidders may become their competitors when preparing to bid on a bid that is being invited by this procuring entity.

3. "inspect" the relationship between contractors

By listing and analyzing the list of bidders who have competed with this contractor before on the contractor information page, the software will help check the relationship of this contractor with other contractors, see which bidders often join together, and how often do they join together. The number of winning bids and the number of losing bids? Which bidder often wins or loses...? - Contractor's relationship with other contractors

This tool also allows you to check the relationship between two specific contractors to see if these contractors tend to win or lose when participating in bidding together.

VIP3 DauThau info - Battle history

Will continuously improve and add new features

As in the analysis in " Announcement of the VIP3 package development plan: Analysis of red and green troops, reading of competitors and bid solicitors ", the data is published from the national bidding database. Currently, there are limitations and many inadequacies that make the analysis difficult, that's why so far there has never been a software like this released.

However, overcoming the obstacles,'s software development team still keeps on improving the software, raising the recognition rate and data link ability to the highest possible level, this work will continue during the trial period and the operation later in order to better serve the contractor.

Currently, the software has added the feature of statistics on the number of bidding packages that the bid solicitor has conducted bidding and invitation for pre-qualification, the number of bidding packages that have announced results, the number of canceled bidding packages, the number of bid packages and the number of bid packages. bidding packages have results without Tender Notice, and Prequalification Notice... to help users check whether the bid solicitor complies with the state's regulations under the bidding law.
General information of the bid solicitor (VIP3 package - software)
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