Price list of digital certificates for organizations and businesses

Below is a price list of digital certificate and digital signature services for organizations and businesses. provides digital certificates recognized by the National Center for Electronic Attestation will help organizations and businesses with digital certificates and digital signatures recognized by the National Electronic Certification Center to use in bidding quickly and efficiently at a reasonable price.

list of digital certificate providers at NEAC
List of digital certificates licensed by NEAC and compatible with the new National Procurement Network.

Depending on the need for new registration or renewal, the price of digital signatures (digital certificates) will be different, specifically:

Price list of digital signatures for newly registered organizations and enterprises (unit: VND):

Used Time

6 months

one year

2 years

3 years

4 years

Service prices

660,000 won

1,160,000 won

1,990,000 won

2,800,000 won

3,000,000 won


500,000 won

500,000 won

500,000 won



Pretax price

1,160,000 won

1,660,000 won

2,490,000 won

2,800,000 won

3,000,000 won

VAT (10%)

116,000 won

166,000 won

249,000 won

280,000 won

300,000 won

Total payment

1,276,000 won

1,826,000 won

2,739,000 won

3,080,000 won

3,300,000 won

Price list of digital signatures for organizations and businesses registering for extension (unit: VND):

Used Time

6 months

one year

2 years

3 years

4 years

Service prices

660,000 won

1,160,000 won

1,990,000 won

2,600,000 won

2,800,000 won







Pretax price

660,000 won

1,160,000 won

1,990,000 won

2,600,000 won

2,800,000 won

VAT (10%)

66,000 won

116,000 won

199,000 won

260,000 won

280,000 won

Total payment

726,000 won

1,276,000 won

2,189,000 won

2,860,000 won

3,080,000 won

Up to 400 points for customers when buying digital signatures of

In order to make it easier for you to participate in the new National Tendering Network, will donate points to your account when purchasing a digital signature (digital certificate), details of the number of points and a price list. digital signature is here:

To receive advice and order digital certificates for use on the new national bidding network, please contact:

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