số 47 - Đường Mai Hắc Đế - Thành phố Vinh - Tỉnh Nghệ An.
Lab Name
Construction materials laboratory
Laboratory address
số 47, Đường Mai Hắc Đế, Thành phố Vinh, Tỉnh Nghệ An.
Recognition content
The list of testing criteria eligible for specialized construction activities of LAS-Construction 976 laboratory includes: Soil testing; Soil mechanical testing and reinforcement grading; Cement testing; Mechanical testing of steel and welded joints; Limestone and lime testing; Testing waterproofing materials - PVC water blocking tape; Field testing.
Technical standards used for tests are fully listed, including Vietnamese and foreign standards (if any). When there is a new version of a technical standard replacing the old standard, the corresponding new standard must be applied.
This certificate is valid from the date of issue until October 18, 2023.
Giấy chứng nhận 213/GCN-BXD