To renovate and upgrade rural roads in Moi and Tan Tien communes; Route 1: From Dinh to Hue Bridge, Route 2: From behind the communal house to Ong Thang Quyet gate, Route 3: From the health station to Ong Binh's gate, which extends to Tien Huyen gate, Route 4: From Mrs. Cai's house to Cau Giay, Route 5: From QL2A, go to Ms. Y cổng's gate
Overall procurement plan
Contractor selection plan
Project number
Notice type
Real announcement
Project name
To renovate and upgrade rural roads in Moi and Tan Tien communes; Route 1: From Dinh to Hue Bridge, Route 2: From behind the communal house to Ong Thang Quyet gate, Route 3: From the health station to Ong Binh's gate, which extends to Tien Huyen gate, Route 4: From Mrs. Cai's house to Cau Giay, Route 5: From QL2A, go to Ms. Y cổng's gate
People's Committee of Tan Tien Commune
Project management Type
The investor hires a project management consultant
Implementation location
Huyện Vĩnh Tường, Vinh Phuc province
Project approval ID
Số 28b/QĐ-UBND
Project approval date
Approval authority
UBND xã Tân Tiến
Approval documents
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In case it is discovered that the BMT does not fully attach the E-HSMT file and design documents, the contractor is requested to immediately notify the Investor or the Authorized Person at the address specified in Chapter II-Data Table in E- Application form and report to the Procurement News hotline: 02437.686.611
Contractor selection plans Link
The project does not have any NTFP yet